Summer 2018

Summer 2018

Jamie Powers
This hasn't been a great summer for us.  July was the wettest July on record, and it seemed like it rained every weekend.  August hasn't been much better!  My mother died  unexpectedly on August 18.  And more rain!  The plants have struggled with all the rain.  My potting mix doesn't seem to drain well enough, so I lost more plants this year.  I have it on good authority that they probably suffocated.  We've been frantically repotting in a new coarser mix which I hope will help them do better next year.  We're up to the "P's", President Grevy is next on the list.  I got started on the cuttings too late this summer; couldn't get the area for the hoop house leveled in time as planned, so everything got pushed back and it doesn't look like a lot of them rooted.  But "hope springs eternal", so I keep plugging away!  We're getting a few more stock plants into the ground over Labor Day weekend.  At least the display garden plants look good!  And I had the boys of summer keeping me company and supervising.

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